About Us
Welcome to The Comic-Con Kids: Finding and Defining Fandom website!
In 1970, five young San Diegans, who ranged in age from 12-17 years, were central to bringing together participants for the first San Diego Comic-Con. Guided by an aspiring graphic artist (the late Sheldon Dorf), they formed alliances with various youthful communities that shared a common interest in comics, science fiction, and film.
Since 2011, San Diego State University Library has been collecting personal histories through a series of interviews with individuals involved in San Diego’s early Comic-Cons. These stories help weave together the cultural history of San Diego and Comic-Con. We hope you enjoy them!
This project was made possible with support from Cal Humanities, an independent non-profit state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information, visit calhum.org.

This project was made possible with support from Cal Humanities, an independent non-profit state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information, visit calhum.org.